How to create a personal trainer company

If you have an outgoing personality and are interested in starting your own business as a personal trainer, this article will help you get into action. Keep in mind that it can take 2 to 5 years to see a clear gain as you build your clientele and your professional reputation. This article includes the steps from the search for certification to the grand opening of your business.

Establish a personal trainer business

Obtain certification as a personal trainer. The ACE are among the most respected and recognized in the gym industry. The cost of the certification program varies between US $ 300 to US $ 400 and you have the option to choose between a general or specialized training program that will prepare you for the needs of children, the elderly, injured, or disabled clients. General training is offered for any individual or group of personal trainers. The program you choose will depend on your preferences and personality. All programs culminate in a certification exam.

Once certified, you will need to create your exercise routines. Remember to include warm-up exercises, cooling, flexibility training, strength training and cardiovascular exercises for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. You may want to use video tutorials and a notebook to design your routines. Do not be shy when asking for advice from experienced instructors.

Develop your business plan, including a marketing strategy and an operating budget. Decide who you will be training (demographic goal), how you will attract and retain your customers and how much you will charge for your services. You may want to request a fictitious name for your business, unless you operate under your own name. Keep in mind the marketing / promotional tools and your operational budget for at least the first year and up to a maximum of five years. If you are going to have partners, list their names and describe their functions in the company. Remember to include office supplies, furniture, utilities, cleaning and the monthly rent of your space if you are going to have a physical place.

The following are the legal and fiscal requirements. Obtain your business license and register your small business as a sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), or a corporation. Fix any fee or license required by your region and acquire all the necessary permits to do business.

Find a location for the business and rent or buy the equipment to exercise. If your budget is limited, you can choose to go to the homes of your clients or companies for training appointments. In this scenario, you will still need basic products such as tape measures, weight scales, blood pressure and heart rate monitors, weights, elastic bands, a bouncer, exercise balls and more.

Acquires civil liability insurance. Find out several quotes before choosing a plan.

Acquire a business program to automate the business. You will need to generate invoices for customer billing, perform basic accounting functions and maintain customer records and training files. The software should be able to help you keep track of appointments, forms, exemptions and other documents.

Order your business cards 180 to 90 days before the first day of business. Place your ads and print / distribute flyers announcing your new personal training business 30 to 45 days before the opening. Try to schedule appointments at least one month in advance to allow cancellation and rescheduling. Ask customers to cancel with no less than 24 hours in advance or they will have to pay the fee for their session. Make personalized t-shirts with the name of your business and logo available to be delivered on the day of the grand opening. Promotional t-shirts are good publicity!


As your business grows, consider hiring help from employees and / or coaches to organize the larger customer base. To help the business grow faster, it offers an initial consultation and first session free of charge for all new customers and a small referral fee (US $ 25 to US $ 50) to any existing customer who brings a new one that registers with your business after the free introductory session!


NEVER be late for an appointment. Always try to be attentive, courteous and professional at all times!