Key guidelines to losing weight with Diet and Exercise

Healthy diet and strength exercise is the combination to lose weight gaining health.

When changing eating habits, it is necessary to keep some small guidelines.

Despite all the information and diets that exist, the only thing that seems to work is that it is thinned when more caloric is spent than the one that is ingested.

The way it is ingested seems to be very important too: thus, saturated fats and processed foods, in addition to being unhealthy, tend to be stored in adipocytes (cells that contain body fat). Any diet and weight loss program should contain enough nutrients for bodily needs. Otherwise, you will achieve a slender figure but a diseased organism.

Fast weight loss diets

Popular diets like the Scarsdale, the Atkins or any of the dissociated type, produce a rapid weight loss, at the cost of some health. Dissociated diets divide food into three groups:

Lipids, fats and proteins.

Farináceas: sources of complex carbohydrates, such as cereals and potatoes.

Fruits and vegetables.

In a meal you can only eat foods from a group, or combinations 1/3 or 2/3. Foods like sugars and fats, as well as dairy (cheese, butter), should absolutely be avoided.

In all, it is eaten three times a day, respecting these norms, during a strict period of two weeks, after which the diet must be left. In the short term are very effective, even if maintenance is not observed, become “yo-yo dieting.”

Healthy Diets

A slow and permanent loss of weight requires new habits. Do not abuse certain foods, such as red meat, once or twice a week, pastry and fried in general. Of course, processed products such as ready-made dishes and industrial pastries should not be tried. Fritters, fast food, fatty cheeses and sausages should be taken in moderation.

Taken this into account, you have to eat everything and in sufficient quantities.  Do not deprive yourself of bread, oil, fatty vegetables.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you have to lose weight without harming deprivation. Legumes and cereals, as well as olive oil, must have a preponderant role in food.

Guidelines and Food Pyramid

For weight loss to occur, it is essential to know the caloric expenditure and increase the daily activity. Thus, you will not only lose weight. In addition, exercise improves body composition and organ function.

Food should be done in five shots throughout the day. Three main courses, lunch and snack is ideal. The same calories ingested in this way will favor the use and will prevent the fat from accumulating.

Processed foods and industrial pastries should be avoided. In contrast, the bulk of the diet should be composed of cereals, legumes, fresh fruit and lean meats.

The famous food pyramid is the best guide to how food intake must be distributed. In general, up to 70% of the diet should be composed of carbohydrates, a variable amount of protein and some fat. Avoiding the latter completely is not a good tactic for losing weight: all meats and oils contain them, and are necessary in the diet.

Exercise and Health

The diet is most effective if it is accompanied by strength exercise.  Increased muscle mass causes increased energy expenditure, and interval workouts have a greater impact on cardiovascular and muscle functioning. In any case, a routine of a personalized training will have a greater positive impact. And only the combination of diet and exercise will actually work to improve body image.